Saturday, November 26, 2011

Do you have you have a hunger for spreading environmental and youth awareness, climbing to great heights and getting lost in East Africa?!?
We are looking for an extra team member to join us from start to finish! 

Drop the K2K team an email:

Requirements for selection:      
  • Must be able to join the entire expedition from 14 April until late July/August 2012
  • Speak English (bonus, if you've got some swahili under your belt)
  • Rock climbing experience (esp. Traditional climbing) 
  • Be a people person. You must be able to get a long within a group and play your part. 
  • Must be able to communicate and interact with kids at the schools. 
  • Must be able to cover all your own basic costs for the extent of the expedition (food, clothing, transport, etc.)                              
PLUS: If you have any neat skills, such as first aid, media savvy networks and anything like that, please let us know! 

Let us know if you have any questions about applying.

It's going to be EPIC, so don't miss out!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Back Home...what an incredible time!!

The SOS hostel which we stayed at, this allowed us to visit the SOS Village which is an orphanage-it was an amazing time :)

Then we went to the SOS college and we saw the history of Ghana's most significant events, including slavery. I was able to talk about Reconciliation after the Apartheid and how we need to move forward and focus on current issues- ie. the Envionmental crisis and talking about RSA's and Ghana's past!

It was a trip which has inspired and taught me a lot. Its funny how I was also able to have fun at the same time!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I'm one of eleven teens from Cape Town to be part of the "Young African leaders Tour". This is the first tour and we're creating connections with the Accra International SOS secondary school.
We're touring around from Accra (capital) through many towns and cities to Cape Coast where we're getting a clear picture of what actually happening concerning the slave trade and where ghana is today....and how south Africa can be part of the solution!!

This is going to be a awesome asset for KAPE TO KENYA next Year!!